

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable summer adventure with your children? Join us at Camp Firelight for an exhilarating Vacation Bible School experience like no other! Led by the dynamic duo of first-time camp counselor, Sam, and the lovable lightning bug puppet, Lu, your campers will journey through exciting assemblies, captivating stories, and thrilling activities. Each day, they’ll witness Counselor Sam confront new challenges, teaching valuable lessons about trust, courage, and faith in God. Through music, drama, games, arts and crafts, science experiments, and delicious snacks, our campers will not only deepen their understanding of timeless Bible stories but also learn practical ways to connect with and trust God in every aspect of their lives. At Camp Firelight, children discover that no fear is too great when they put their trust in God. Register your child today

Camp Callout: “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3)

Volunteers Needed

We look forward to VBS at Christ United every summer and this incredible week wouldn’t be possible without the amazing volunteers that help everything run smoothly. We hope you will consider volunteering and making this the best VBS, yet!