


Adult Choirs

Whether you are a professional musician or just a music lover, you will enjoy singing with us. Explore our different adult choirs below and see what works for you. Everyone is welcome to make a joyful noise to the Lord!

Sanctuary Choir

Rehearsals: Rehearsals Resume Aug 7 at 7 PM in Rehearsal Room A
– Childcare is provided

Christ United’s Sanctuary Choir leads traditional worship services in the sanctuary on Sundays. Our prayer is that all who participate will grow in Christ and experience God’s unconditional love through music. New singers are always welcome to join us on Wednesday nights! There are no auditions for the choir, as we welcome all adults who are interested in singing and can commit to regular attendance at Wednesday rehearsals and Sunday morning worship services. We would love to have you join us!

Contact Ben Turner, Director of Music + Youth Choir, for more information.

Carillon Ringers

Rehearsals: Wednesdays | 6 – 6:45 PM | Rehearsal Room C

The Carillon Ringers are Christ United’s handbell choir. They perform in worship throughout the year and rehearse every Wednesday night. Moderate to advanced music reading skills are required. The Carillon Ringers are open to players from high school age and older. Come ring bells with us! For more information on how to join, email scott@cumc.com.

Men’s & Women’s Choruses

These two ensembles are a great way for people to sing in a choir without a weekly commitment. Each chorus rehearses the Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening before the Sunday on which they sing. Both ensembles sing in worship four Sundays a year (twice each semester). Interested in learning more? Contact ben@cumc.com.