New Semon Series: Now What?
Join us for Traditional Worship at 8:45, 9:45, or 11 AM, and Modern Worship at 11 AM. This week, we begin a new sermon series, “Now What? Christian Unity in a Tumultuous Age.”
Notes For Chris + Family
You can share a note with Chris and the Dowd family via the button below. Thank you for your prayers and support!
Fall Classes
We hope you’ll sign up and join one of our fantastic fall classes starting soon! We have exciting opportunities for Bible studies, book discussions, and fellowship. Don’t miss these great ways to grow and connect with your church family.
The Bible in 50 Days with Rev. Chris Dowd | REGISTER
*This class is currently paused
Tuesday Lunch Bunch | Sept 17 | REGISTER
Disciple One Bible Study: Fast Track – ONLINE | Sept 17 | REGISTER
Tuesday Nights Men’s Bible Study and Fellowship + | Sept 17 | REGISTER
Manna Group | Sept 19 | REGISTER
Chronological Jesus + | Sept 15 | REGISTER
Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study | Sept 16 | REGISTER
Monday Night Bible Study: Online | Sept 16 | REGISTER
Tuesday Evening Book Study: Jesus’ Alternative Plan | Sept 17 | REGISTER
Woven: A Book Study for Parents | Sept 18 | REGISTER
First Fruits Online Bible Study | Sept 18 | REGISTER
Monday Afternoon Women’s Bible Study | Sept 16 | REGISTER
Men’s Tuesday Night Bible Study + Fellowship
The Men’s Tuesday Night Bible Study + Fellowship will resume on Sept 3 at 6:30 PM in RM N156B. We will kickoff a study of the “minor” Old Testament prophets, including historical and character analyses to deepen our understanding of the text. You can order the textbook for this study here.
Off Script
Join us for our weekly Off Script podcast, where we unravel the layers of each Sunday’s sermon, exploring profound theology, sparking thought-provoking discussions, and relating the message to our everyday life. Our podcast goes beyond the pulpit, offering a behind-the-scenes look and featuring content that might have ended up on the cutting room floor.
Subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Caregiver Support Group
If you are a caregiver who would like to share resources and support with others, please join our monthly Caregiver Support Group at 1 PM in N154. Register at, or contact Barb Petsel or Janet Scheible for more info/questions.
Men’s Service Group
Our Men’s Service Group is made up of dedicated volunteers who care for our community by doing home repairs and maintenance for anyone who needs a little extra help. They meet on the first Saturday of every month at 7:30 AM in the Sports & Rec.
Journeying Through Grief
Grief is a unique journey that affects each one of us at some point in our lives. “Journeying Through Grief” is a facilitated, interactive discussion that guides individuals through their time of loss and offers techniques for hope and healing. This is a 6-week session that meets Tuesdays at 6:30 PM beginning Sept 10 in classroom N157 (please note there is no class October 1). There is no fee for the class; however, registration is required.
Kids’ Night Out
Lets-a go! Christ United will host Kids’ Night Out Sept 20 from 6 – 9 PM for children infant (8 weeks) – 5th grade. It’s a night of games, crafts, movies, play, and supervised activities. Dinner and snack will be provided. Cost is $30 per child. We are so excited for you to join us!
Men’s Chorus
Join the Men’s Chorus for our upcoming rehearsals on Sept 22 at 3 PM and Sept 25 at 7 PM in Rehearsal Room A. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to choir, we welcome you to be part of this joyful experience. For more details and to RSVP please email Ben.
Serve on the Go
Join us on Sept 22 between all services for “Serve on the Go”! Stop by the Atrium and help us pack snack packs for neighbors in our community who are in need.
Pumpkin Patch
The Pumpkin Patch will be open 7 days a week and will offer a variety of pumpkins. Visit the Christ United Pumpkin Patch, take some pictures, and pick the perfect pumpkin. Our Youth Ministry hosts this fun Fall event, as a fundraiser for their upcoming missions and ministry.
Volunteers Needed
We need youth and adult volunteers to work the Pumpkin Patch! These are great service hours for students. If you are interested in volunteering please email Kenzie.
Costa Rica 2025
Join us for an informational meeting on Sept 29 at 12:15 PM in RM N255A. You could be a part of the CUMC team traveling to Costa Rica for a mission trip. Individuals and families are invited to experience the joy of serving the people in the Grecia area.
Children’s Sunday
Join us on October 6 for a special worship service led by the children of Christ United. Come be inspired by their faith and enthusiasm as they share their love for God. We look forward to seeing you there!
Blessing of the Pets
Blessing of the Pets will be on Saturday, Oct 5 at 12 PM in our north lawn/parking area. We will have a brief service followed by a time of blessing for your special friends.
Meet Our Staff
We can’t wait to connect with you!
Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff with questions, suggestions or just to have coffee. We can’t wait to welcome you personally to Christ United.
Common Questions
Q. How do I get more plugged in?
A. At Christ United we are constantly learning and growing together as a community! The best way to get to get plugged in and meet people is through one of our many groups or classes.
Q. How do I stay in the loop on upcoming events or announcements?
A. We have multiple options for staying up to date on Christ United’s schedule and events:
- Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletters
- Join our text message updates
- Follow us on Facebook ( ) and Instagram ( @cumcplano )
- Visit us here on this page,, to view all of our upcoming events
Q. How do I get my kids more involved?
A. Our awesome Youth and Children’s ministry staff can’t wait to welcome your kids!
CHILDREN: We hope you will take a moment to visit with Kathryn Johnson, our Pastor of Family Ministries, Sunday mornings at the Jeep before Sunday School. Children’s Sunday School starts at 9:45 AM each Sunday and we will personally help your children find their class, meet their teacher and start making new friends. Check out our upcoming children’s events and learn more HERE.
YOUTH: Our Youth Ministry is the best place for youth to find connection and community. Visit with Kenzie Ericson on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM in the Sports + Rec Center (on the south side of our campus) for Youth Sunday School. Our Youth hang out there every Sunday morning and evening for Sunday Night Youth at 5 PM. Our team of amazing staff and volunteers is ready to help your student meet new people and grow in their faith. Check out our upcoming youth events and learn more HERE.
Q. How can I serve or be served here?
A. Service is a huge part of who we are at Christ United. We are a community at work in our neighborhoods and we would love for you to be a part of that work. Connect with Betsy Crawford in our Serving Others Ministries to learn about our upcoming service opportunities and to find the place where your gifts can be a blessing to those around us. In addition, our Care Ministries is a great way to share the love of Christ with those who are hurting and need a caring, listening presence in their lives. Contact Rev. Mike Flynn to find out how you can get involved in this ministry.