


Assisted Living Ministry

Current research has indicated the reality in our society of loneliness/social isolation and the unravelling of communities that hold us together and keep us healthy.  This situation points to the crucial role of the church in addressing the “epidemic of loneliness.”

As a result, every church in America, regardless of theology or denomination, should be increasing its efforts to reach, engage, and involve the millions of people whose lives are more isolated or empty.

To this end, as part of the Christ United Care Ministry, the mission of Assisted Living Ministry (ALM) is to share the love of God and for one another with church members and neighbors who are residents of a “continuum of care” in our community.

Opportunities to serve:

  • Sing-alongs/piano players
  • Bingo/games
  • Floral arrangement deliveries
  • Assisting with devotional teams
  • Assisting in Sunday worship
  • Helping with holiday/seasonal gifts

How to Volunteer

We serve several communities in the area and always have volunteer opportunities where you can join us.  For information on how you can help, contact ALM Chair Leslie Barlow.  You can also join our Facebook page for info on volunteer activities/opportunities.

Download our Assisted Living Ministry Calendar to learn about volunteer opportunities.