Christ United’s Library has something for all ages and walks of life with a collection of over 8,500 items consisting of books and DVDs. From board books for the little ones to an outstanding collection of reference books for the more serious Bible students, we welcome you to come explore the shelves and resources of the library.
Christ United’s Library and Resource Center are located at the North Entrance of the main building near the Welcome Center. The main library is in room N166 and the resource room is across the hall in room N155.
The Christ United Library is open to the public. Everyone is welcome! Please refer to the card catalog near the library’s main door to register and check out books.
How long is check-out?
Library – Materials are checked out for a period of 3 weeks.
Resource Center – Materials (small group study materials) are checked out for a period of 180 days.
What if there is no staff in the library?
The Christ United Library is self-serve and is open during the regular church business hours. For immediate questions, please email
Church business hours:
Mon-Thu | 8:30 AM – 5 PM
Fri | 8:30 AM – 12 PM
Sun | 8 AM – 12:15 PM
Staff members will be available during the following times:
Sundays | 8:30 – 12:15 PM
Wednesdays | 8:30 – 3 PM
How do I check out a book?
To see how to check out a book, watch this Youtube video or follow the instructions at the circulation desk.
How do I return materials?
All materials can be returned to the drop box outside the main library during main church building hours.