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Please be in prayer for the following:

  • Those who are in the hospital, facing upcoming surgery, or in rehab.
  • The family of Thurston Blakely, who passed June 24 (wife Pat). A memorial service is scheduled July 13 at 2:00pm in the Christ United Sanctuary. You can view the obituary here.
  • The family of Pat Atkins, who passed June 26 (husband Tom). A memorial service is scheduled July 20 at 10:00am in the Christ United Sanctuary. You can view the obituary here.
  • The family of Reynolds Patterson, who passed June 28 (wife Teresa). A memorial service is scheduled July 19 at 11:00am in the Christ United Sanctuary. You can view the obituary here.
  • The family of Margaret Johnson, who passed July 10 (husband David). A memorial service is scheduled July 24 at 2:00pm in the Christ United Sanctuary.

If you would like someone added to this church-wide prayer concerns page, contact Rev. Mike Flynn or Janet Scheible with the name/info you would like to be included. We must have your approval for the info to be published on this page.