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Jim Paddock: Twenty Years

My job brought me to DFW in 1995. I was unfamiliar with the area as I searched for a church to continue my faith journey. I met a young lady who reminded me of my daughters, Stephanie Randall. She worked in a hair salon and was cutting my hair one day. I told her I had been looking for a church to attend but had been unsuccessful. Stephanie told me about Christ United, where she sang in the choir.

In 1998, I came to visit one Sunday morning and was very impressed by the friendliness. I had not felt that welcomed in the other churches. The way Christ United reached out to help the community and others around the world had really touched my heart. I attended every Sunday morning where I met more friendly people and enjoyed more warm exchanges.


I would come an hour early to the 8:45 AM service so that I could pray, meditate, and read scripture. I received a lot more than I expected by doing so. Not only did I pray, but I enjoyed Bart and Pat practicing for the upcoming services. Over the last twenty years, this was my schedule. My attendance became and remained automatic every Sunday.

It’s important to not get caught up in our routines though. Make sure you remain open to expanding options. About ten years ago, the New Year’s Day services were combined into one. I turned my head when I heard, “Hey Jim, what are you doing here?” It was one of my best friends that I didn’t even know attended Christ United, just different worship service times! Since that time, he and I attended worship together and ate breakfast together after service. Christ United is a big church, but we can make it smaller by opening ourselves up to different options and service.

I have enjoyed my twenty years here at Christ United. I am moving away to Mississippi this week and will miss the Christ United family. I certainly hope I can find a new church that is half as friendly as this one.


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