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The Wilson Family: We Will Serve the Lord

When our girls were 2 and 4, Tina told Theo that the family needed to start going to church. She decided that if we were going to wake up early and get dressed up, that we were also going to attend Sunday school classes. The extra hour devoted to more than just worship on Sunday truly ignited our faith journey. Theo and Tina participated in multiple Bible studies and have been blessed to have had significant roles in numerous mission projects. As for the girls, they participated in almost all the activities for children and youth; from Mission Possible Kids, to choir, to the youth APPA mission trip.

Throughout the years, each one of us has discovered our talents and gifts from God. It is because of the many ministries of Christ United that we were able to do so. Before attending Christ United, Theo had barely opened the Bible and did very little in service to others. Today Theo writes, teaches and facilitates Bible studies. He was also the family liaison three times for Christ United’s House on the Corner (HOTC) outreach program.

As for Tina and Erika, their gift is service. Tina participated in every HOTC project and from the age of 8, Erika joined her most Saturdays to help build these homes. Both went to Poland to support our sister church in construction work, running a VBS and youth program. Upon graduating high school, Erika went on a nine-month mission trip around the world. Today, Tina leads Christ United’s Disaster Response Team efforts.

Amanda has been given the gift of music. As an adult away at college, she still attends church and shares her gift by singing in the Sanctuary Choir at McFarlin Methodist in Norman, OK. She and Erika led the worship service during this year’s Christ United youth Mystery Trip. Amanda aspires to lead a youth church choir upon graduating college.

Looking back, Tina’s call to action has shaped our family in ways we couldn’t imagine. The friends we’ve made, the blessings and experiences we’ve had, and the realization that we are a family of faith is overwhelming. We encourage everyone, especially young families to put forth the effort and participate in ministry. Our prayer for you is that you discover and utilize your gifts. You’ll be glad you did. Grace and Peace to you.